

Transform your technology delivery practices to new age, feedback based, incremental, iterative, quality and empiricism driven methods. Scale your operations as your business grows - while ensuring your teams are able to self-organize as a complex adaptive system. 

We have applied Lean principles and Agile Methods such as XP, AUM, KanBan, Scrum and Scaling frameworks such as LeSS, SAFe and Scrum@Scale. As part of our consulting engagements, we also deliver corporate training solutions and certifications from industry leading bodies. Our clients have trusted us with technology delivery following our consulting engagements. 



With our rich internal competency and R&D connect with NITK, we deliver growth for our clients in challenging times. This involves a mix of research, prototyping, development, marketing, funding outreaches, customer collaboration, market identification and monetization.

We approach this by understanding your strategic goals and engage our eco-system of cross-disciplinary engineering, technology and industry partners. Being located at the country's premium research campus gives us exclusive access to R&D in science and technology with leadership from scientists, experts and talent pool that can support a global customer base.