Registered Scrum@Scale Practitioner Credential


Registrations are closed

Registered Scrum@Scale Practitioner Credential

Credential by ScrumInc and endorsed by Dr. Sutherland (co-creator of Scrum).

Scrum@Scale is the only ScrumInc recognised enterprise Agile scaling framework for Scrum. This special holiday season class is priced at USD 450/- per seat with limited seats. Registrations close on 20th December, 2023.

Join us for our special holiday Scrum@Scale class!

In the modern business climate, organisations need to excel in 4 key areas: Prioritisation, Delivery, Structure and Culture.

We introduce them in the Registered Scrum@Scale Practitioner Class!

Are you ready to take your Agile skills to the next level? Look no further than our Registered Scrum@Scale Practitioner class. Designed for professionals who want to master the art of scaling Agile, this comprehensive course will equip you with the knowledge and tools to successfully implement Scrum@Scale in your organisation.

What is Scrum@Scale, you ask? It's a framework developed by Dr. Jeff Sutherland, the co-creator of Scrum, that enables organisations to scale Agile practices across multiple teams, departments, and even entire enterprises. By implementing Scrum@Scale, you can achieve unprecedented levels of collaboration, efficiency, and innovation.

In our Registered Scrum@Scale Practitioner class, you will dive deep into the principles and practices of Scrum@Scale. Led by experienced Agile coaches and trainers, you will learn how to effectively coordinate and synchronise multiple Scrum teams, aligning them towards a common goal. You will also gain insights into scaling Agile beyond the team level, addressing organisational challenges and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Here's what you can expect from our Registered Scrum@Scale Practitioner class:

  1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course covers all aspects of Scrum@Scale, including the Scrum Master and Product Owner roles, the Scrum of Scrums, and the Executive Action Team. You will gain a holistic understanding of how these components work together to achieve Agile scaling success.
  2. Hands-on Exercises: Learning by doing is the best way to internalise new concepts. Through interactive exercises and simulations, you will have the opportunity to apply Scrum@Scale principles in a safe and supportive environment, gaining practical experience that you can immediately apply in your work.
  3. Real-world Case Studies: We believe in learning from real-world examples. Our Registered Scrum@Scale Practitioner class includes case studies and success stories from organisations that have successfully implemented Scrum@Scale. You will gain valuable insights and inspiration from their experiences, helping you navigate the challenges of Agile scaling.
  4. Credential: Upon completion of the class, you will receive a Registered Scrum@Scale Practitioner credential, validating your expertise in scaling Agile using the Scrum@Scale framework. This credential is recognised globally and will enhance your professional credibility and career prospects.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a Registered Scrum@Scale Practitioner. Join us for our upcoming class and unlock the power of Agile scaling. Register now and take your Agile journey to new heights!

Trainer Profile

Mudassar Pasha is a Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer at Agile Education Powered by ScrumInc. He has over a decade of experience in consulting on Agile transformations across multiple industry domains and organisation sizes. He holds an MSc in Advanced Software Engineering from The University of Sheffield (UK) and has delivered successful Agile transformations in 8 different organisations across FinTech, Industrial Robotics and others.


Registrations are closed
Date & Time
Friday December 22, 2023
Start - 9:30 AM (Asia/Calcutta)
Monday December 25, 2023
End - 5:30 PM (Asia/Calcutta)

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